Due to the recent outbreak of Covid-19 the universities have started taking an online assessment of the student. The change in the pattern is being difficult and hard of the student and they are trying to adapt to the changing situations and pattern. Online Assignment writing being a problem already this new pattern of assessment has left the students with confusion. In this article, we are discussing the most effective ways to prepare an online assessment to score better.
• Be clear on the format of assessment
The preparation for the assessment depends upon the format of the assessment. A three hours subjective exam will require a different approach to the preparation than thirty minutes of choices questions. There might a quiz assessment or a short multiple-choice question that might not require a writing practice but will require a reading and understanding practice. A subjective assessment of 3 long hours will require a good writing practice rather than reading.
• Be clear on criteria of assessment
The student must have an idea of what is the criteria of the assessment like are you going to be judged on the knowledge of the facts of reasoning or the practical implementation of the same. Both the criteria use a different approach to the preparation. Remembering the facts is easier than learning about the practical implication of that.
• Check previous assessment sample
The best idea is to check for the previous assessment sample from the last years of previous year. This should give a good idea of the structure of the assessment and how it is going to be conducted. Preparing for the assessment with having an image of the structure can help in better preparations.
• Practice under exam condition
As you know that format and the criteria of your exam, the next thing you can do is practice under the same conditions that you are going to face during the exams. Setting the time the same as the assessment time using the previous assessment and practicing it to complete can be a very effective practice that you can do.
• Managing the distractions in advance
All your preparation may go in vain if you fail to manage or avoid the distraction in advance to the assessment. The distractions may cause a loss of concentration and focus while writing the assessment. A distraction like a noisy background, a messy room or study area, disturbing family members, cell phone, and others can be managed and avoided in advance in order to be completely ready for the online assessment. Make sure you have a stable and good internet connection to avoid the connectivity problem during the assessment period.
So these were the few tips on preparing online assessment. You can get some extra time for the preparation if you pay for a college assignments to the experts at online writing service. This is also a good practice to buy some extra time for the online assessment rather than keeping yourself busy in writing the college assignment