Thursday, 8 October 2020

How to deal with an unsupportive dissertation supervisor

 The dissertation period of college or university is surely a very busy and interesting period. A student of Singapore goes to many ups and downs during this period of time. The duration even becomes harder to pass if you get an unsupportive or incorporative supervisor for your dissertation. Sometimes because of some misunderstanding or miscommunication, the Singaporean students might find their supervisor very rude. 

We understand that some supervisor is incorporative maybe because of their workload or some personal life problem but the students’ needs to deal with this situation in order to get good grades in the dissertation as it is an important part of the academic and carries a lot of marks. However, there are many dissertation writing services that help students in writing a good dissertation but still, the student must follow the below-discussed tips if the supervisor is being unsupportive.

Tips on dealing with the unsupportive dissertation supervisor

• Communicate effectively

Communication is the key, Talk to your unhelpful supervisor even if they are not willing to talk about anything. Take appointments, ask them when they are free, and reach them with your concerns. State all your doubts cleared and make sure they know that you are facing problems. There is a chance that when they will be in good mood, they can get back to you with the solutions to the problem. So keep trying as it is an important part of your College or University in Singapore.

• Be patient and persistent

Being patient in such a situation can be very difficult, but you’ll have to control and be patient. Do not waste time complaining and worrying about the unhelpful supervisor. Instead, focus and carry your research. You can get help from the Singapore assignment help for writing the dissertation in a well-mannered way.

• Get help from friends and other professors 

Reach out your friends and classmates, discuss the issue with them. You might find someone in the same situation as yours. Talk to them and find out what they are doing to overcome such a situation. If you know a professor or have some good bonding with any of the professors in the same field you can reach them also in a polite and well manner. They might be able to help you to get out of the problem or can assist you in writing the dissertation for your college in Singapore.

• Control your emotions

Controlling your emotion is very important during this tough time as losing your temper or breaking down emotionally will only make the situation worse. Remember you have limited time to complete and submit the Singaporean University or college dissertation. So be strong and face the situation who knows you might learn something amazing out of this.

• Stay positive

Stay positive as you are working with the least possible help you can generate new ideas and perspectives which can make your dissertation even better without any help or guidance.

So working without help or guidance can be difficult in writing a dissertation for your college or university in Singapore but you need to follow these tips to score good marks.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

How to remain positive during your college life

 College is very stressful in Singapore, the rush in the city, ever-changing pattern of the college rules and regulation, the burden of the assignments and workload has led the students with a dull and depressing life for the students of Singapore. Students have started taking things negatively and are low on self-esteem and energy. Assignment helper Singapore understood that why is this happening and came up a few tips that the students of Singapore can follow to remain positive during their college life.  

• Do exercise/yoga

Yoga and exercise can help a lot when it comes to staying positive for the students. The exercise stretches the body muscles which becomes stiff and can cause fatigue and stress due to which you cannot stay active and positive. The yoga calms the inner soul and mind which helps you stay mentally active during your college hours and afterward. These two practices will help students to stay positive throughout the day.

• Spend time with your friends

Your college friends can really stress busters and will help you to divert your mind from the stress of the studies and workload for some time. This break has to be taken with your friends to avoid the regular cycle of the brain and routine life of the college. In addition, your friend circles will your guardian and family away from home.

• Travel /do outings

Sometimes the college life and campus can be very annoying when you stay for a long period in the same routine and environment. This routine has to be broken in order to change the thought process of the brain. You should do outings outside the campus; go shopping, a hike, watch movies in the theatre, or however you can distract yourself from college routine. Travelling can open up many closed doors in your brain so this will actually help if you can travel to a different city or somewhere else for the routine change.

• Join extra curriculum or sports

Various colleges in Singapore offer sports activities and extra curriculum. Students must join a group or a club for doing some extra curriculum activities after the college hours. This will divert the mind and will help you to stay positive with the college life.

• Don’t worry too much about assignments

We can understand that assignments can be really stressful when it is overloaded and you can’t spare time for friends, sports, extra curriculum, etc. You can actually get help on this from the experts; you can seek assignment writing help, essay writing, dissertation help, and all other academic writings. This way you can actually spare some time for yourself to be able to do other activities. 

• Don’t compare yourself with others

You should avoid comparing your life and yourself with any other students or someone else. Everyone has their own struggle. It is just some are good at handling it or at hiding it. So, be yourself and deal with the stress with the above-discussed tips. Stay positive and healthy by giving time to yourself.

Staying positive and full energy is not that difficult if we stay honest with ourselves and follow these simple tips. Students in Singapore can beat stress and stay positive during their college life.

Friday, 2 October 2020

What are the differences between formative and summative assessment?

 Students are assessed by different types of assessments, during the academic period of the students, teachers try to assess them with the different method in order to make changes and improvise the structure or planning of the lessons. Assignment help experts published the difference between the formative and summative assessment and in this article; we are discussing them as follows

Formative assessment

The motive of the formative assessment is to monitor the learning of the students so that the instructor or the teacher can get on-going feedback to improve their teaching techniques and styles, while the student can improve their learning. The formative assessment helps the students to find out their weaknesses and strength so that they can work on them accordingly to become better learners. 

Formative assessments help the faculty to identify where the students are struggling to learn or understand so that they can change or improve the techniques. It is the of no other point other than these and a student can be asked to write in two lines about their understanding of an on-going topic.  

Summative assessment

The goal of the summative assessment is to evaluate the learning of the students by comparing it to some benchmark or standard at the end of an instructional unit. The summative assessment has a high-value point and it includes mid-term exams, a final year project, a research paper, etc. 

Although almost all assessment is primarily summative few also consist of the formative assessment characteristics that are where the two of them compliments each other. 

Differences between formative and summative assessment

Formative assessment

Summative assessment

It monitor the students

It evaluate the students

It is informal and flexible diagnostic tool

It is formal and structured tool

Looks for the development of students at a particular point of time

It just evaluates the students

It is thoroughly qualitative

It is more quantitative

It does not includes any percentage or grading system

It uses percentage, marks and grades to evaluate the students

It can be incorporated anytime while an on-going lesson, module or course evaluation. 

It is fixed and will only happen after a lesson, module. 

It mainly focuses on the performance and the needs of the students

It normalizes the score for the comparison with the standards

It monitors the process does not evaluate the end results

It evaluate the end result not the process

While there are so many differences between the formative and summative assessments both have their advantages and disadvantages. Students always try to keep up with the on-going assessment process and methods. They try to give their best and want to score better like when they are seeking help for the thesis dissertation writing services to be better in their academic grades. Similarly, they are participating in the assessment like formative to help the faculty for better teaching techniques and helping themselves to a good student. Researchers have seen the benefits and disadvantages of both types of assessment process.